Saturday, November 3, 2012

Men...Stand Up and Show Out | Fight The Good Fight

 A friend told me a profound statement just recently: They said, “No remember the person that fail down, but Only the person that got back up’. Now to me that spoke in volumes, only because of the things that I have been through, similar to the song. Life & Favor (You Don’t Know My Story), by John P Kee & New Life .This song speaks to me. Looking at the person from the outside, does not tell all the thing that person have been. All the battles and struggles that they have to endure.  Consequently to the fact of my life, I've seen places that would blow your mind , there not so welcoming nor inviting yet some else told me that God put selected people in place because there strong enough to handle it. I guess there are very strong people in the world as well as whole lot of weak people in the world. So what does that tell us? There are so many non strong people that wonder around looking for strength and if they look at themselves they would be able to see their worth as well they strength. No and yes, If they look to God and ask for His help then strength will be granted towards the things that a person desires.   It seem like a lot of quotes, yet these are quotes will make you think about your own life and seen the situation unfold right before your eyes.

One day at a time. Step by step, then you don’t have to worry about those things once you learn from your past if your true to yourself. Never looking back to repeat the same mistakes, but review over the journey that you've learned. Let’s get back to that first statement, there are some many of us that give in to the {woo is me}. I don’t have this and I don’t get there, when we all been there, so still there, Please don’t get this confused with venting and moving forward, but those the stay there and don’t move ahead. Lot of us points the finger at the smaller thing that convicts us of our lives, and self doubt keep us right there and fall.  We are reminded that we fail, so we throw in the towel of lives, give up and close the door to what we want. Now this was that strength is supposed to kick in, like the energy drink. But being worried about the right thing still slow the process up even more, feeling the effects want but not doing. Lying dormant. Me, I feel that when we are to ask God help, pull us out and do, but He wants to do first, He needs to know that you want it and mean it, Once you start, he can finish the rest.  So now you got the strength to do, stop the complaining, and the bitching about what you don’t have. Get up and do it, forget about the past and who may be looking or who is saying. What do you say. What does God tell you that you are and what are you going to do about it. Make the steps one day at a time, and as you move forward in your path, watch the people talk about you being at the finish line, They will be cheering you on. It’s in us to succeed   but we got to want to succeed before we can have success.  So yes, we will remember the person that succeeds in their live for them and not for everyone else.

Look at all the great people that dealt with some much adversity in their live, forgot about them, but tell their story as if there were great steps of examples, and there were, but you too can have that path, if you pray and believe in you. We fail down, but We get up. 

 Funny but true, the words of Kat Williams, Look in the mirror can cheer on your “Number One Star Player”.

So stand up and show out, now and forever more…