Monday, December 31, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Out | Happy New Year 2013

Men... Stand Up and Show Out.
Thank you for all your support in being a strong man and allowing your self to be seen to show other men how to stand up and show up to support someone else. 

What are you going to do this year 2013? 

May God Bless you for being His vision. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Men...Stand Up and Show Out | Fight The Good Fight

 A friend told me a profound statement just recently: They said, “No remember the person that fail down, but Only the person that got back up’. Now to me that spoke in volumes, only because of the things that I have been through, similar to the song. Life & Favor (You Don’t Know My Story), by John P Kee & New Life .This song speaks to me. Looking at the person from the outside, does not tell all the thing that person have been. All the battles and struggles that they have to endure.  Consequently to the fact of my life, I've seen places that would blow your mind , there not so welcoming nor inviting yet some else told me that God put selected people in place because there strong enough to handle it. I guess there are very strong people in the world as well as whole lot of weak people in the world. So what does that tell us? There are so many non strong people that wonder around looking for strength and if they look at themselves they would be able to see their worth as well they strength. No and yes, If they look to God and ask for His help then strength will be granted towards the things that a person desires.   It seem like a lot of quotes, yet these are quotes will make you think about your own life and seen the situation unfold right before your eyes.

One day at a time. Step by step, then you don’t have to worry about those things once you learn from your past if your true to yourself. Never looking back to repeat the same mistakes, but review over the journey that you've learned. Let’s get back to that first statement, there are some many of us that give in to the {woo is me}. I don’t have this and I don’t get there, when we all been there, so still there, Please don’t get this confused with venting and moving forward, but those the stay there and don’t move ahead. Lot of us points the finger at the smaller thing that convicts us of our lives, and self doubt keep us right there and fall.  We are reminded that we fail, so we throw in the towel of lives, give up and close the door to what we want. Now this was that strength is supposed to kick in, like the energy drink. But being worried about the right thing still slow the process up even more, feeling the effects want but not doing. Lying dormant. Me, I feel that when we are to ask God help, pull us out and do, but He wants to do first, He needs to know that you want it and mean it, Once you start, he can finish the rest.  So now you got the strength to do, stop the complaining, and the bitching about what you don’t have. Get up and do it, forget about the past and who may be looking or who is saying. What do you say. What does God tell you that you are and what are you going to do about it. Make the steps one day at a time, and as you move forward in your path, watch the people talk about you being at the finish line, They will be cheering you on. It’s in us to succeed   but we got to want to succeed before we can have success.  So yes, we will remember the person that succeeds in their live for them and not for everyone else.

Look at all the great people that dealt with some much adversity in their live, forgot about them, but tell their story as if there were great steps of examples, and there were, but you too can have that path, if you pray and believe in you. We fail down, but We get up. 

 Funny but true, the words of Kat Williams, Look in the mirror can cheer on your “Number One Star Player”.

So stand up and show out, now and forever more…     

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Out| Guest Blogger

Men… Stand Up and Show Out

Men…  If you are interested in becoming a guest blogger or writer, on the blog, Men..Stand Up and Show Out”. Please submit your article to  . I would love to post up your views point, to other men in needing to hear good strong outlooks which comes the heart.  Just submit your article on Word doc. No more than 1,000 words per article, if you have your own image that best represents the article you can submit that as well. Please, Note all articles will be reviewed before posted on Men..Stand Up and Show Out.  We want to operate in truth and love and in order.  

Men..Stand Up and Show Out is about?

  • Ø  Men..Stand Up and Show Out is a blog about Men that Stood Up for what they believe in within the community and other caring initiatives that effected  the empowerment other by social, mentally, physical, finical and spiritual. 
  • Ø  Men..Stand Up and Show Out is about the Men that willing to share their knowledge and a compliment   to empower others to become strong individuals as well as improving better solutions of everyday situations.
  • Ø  Men..Stand Up and Show Out will highlight those Men that have done outstanding things in the community by giving back to those that are need.

I thank you all that maybe reading and submitting your comments. I look forward to more great ideas and topic that you may have a requested.  I would also like to thank all the men that allowed me to interview them for insight for Men..Stand Up and Show Out.

Once again, thank you

Dany Eason
Men..Stand Up and Show Out.  

Men... Stand Up and Show Out.| Rites of passage of Crossing over Jordan

rite of passage n. 
 A ritual or ceremony signifying an event in a person's life indicative of a transition from one stage to another, as from adolescence to adulthood.

As a boy crosses the course into manhood, what will that mean, to be a man? What are his next steps, where will he go from the lessons that he has learned and will he tutored other boys in the assistants on converting a boy to man?  These are the questions that I have being inquiring; along with the programs and outlets that are out there for him. I once read an article from a Jill Scott in Essences magazine, Jill said, She read, where a boy would leave his mother to climb a high mountain of jagged sharp edges, struggling heights. Once the boy climbs up the 2 day journey, there would be village of men to teach the boy valuable skills, like cooking, cleaning, hunting, reading, writing, as well as other life skills. Then the boy would then have to climb down the grueling mountain, to stand in front of his mother and tell her that, “I’m a Man now”.

Even in the Bible, before Moses died God permitted him to climb up on a very high mountain called Nebo, and up to one of its highest peaks, called Pisgah. From this height he looked across the river Jordan and saw the wonderful Land of Promise on the other side. Now for me, I asked the question, why the mother instead of the father? Where was that father at? I don’t want you to assume that he wasn’t there, but why her and not him (fathers, man)?  I had to take a Pause…, disappointed that these matters are still happening now, no matter what type of journeys climbing the mountain; how do we fix it? So to understand why the man comes back to the mother from a boy, I get it. I’ve learned how to cope and mature being raised in a single mother home. Looking at the huge increase in single mothers raising boys to become a good person and physical man, but does that make him a man, in the mentally state of a man? 

Being that we’re in the new wave generation were kids are raising kids, What happen to true core values we once held on to yesterday, those were the same values that made strong for today. Yet we are seeing that values of yesterday are now the history to the future. We’re lost and continually losing the connection to our young men of today.  There are lots of reasons and lot of excuses that we’re giving to not be able to stand up for moral reason of becoming a man. I’m tired of the excuses, to the problem, although, I do wish for your comments and replies for doable solutions. Knowing that the struggles will not be easy, but if we push hard and work together we can collect our men back to be strong and soaring Kings that we are.

I have recognized an organization that has push forward in giving our young men hope and direction in their life when it come to rites of passages. Emerging Leaders Mentorship Program.  Website: .I feel that this program is needed to open up our young men to a new path that we never had or once wanted. It starts with being free in your heart to open someone else heart to an idea. This organization in my opinion is Standing Up and Showing Out..   Please contact Brian Bulluck, Program Manager 704.607.1117 or

Enclosing;  Men, as we look back on our lives growing up to become a man. Remember all the challenges and obstacles it took to cross over the stressful points. These were the forms of rites of passages or other words the test of you rising above to be man. You didn't have to see it the passing but you have faith and your sprite that lead you to know the right and the wrong, that permitted you to become this person of great character. So you moved on from the threshold of being a boy child to an adult Man.  Surpassing the pain and adversities, those are behind you and not tolerating the sit back to harm your children future. Take time to reach into your position and authority of power of being a man of honor and the rites of being a King.  You are more than a conquer.

Dany Eason. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Out | If...

(I – Flesh, Introducing Fear)
I read the word “IF “stood for… a supposition; uncertain possibility, & a condition, requirement, or stipulation,
My meaning to “IF”: Introducing Fear, I-Flesh, Influenced Failure.   The power to Influences Failure to the mind before it happens.  There are so many ways we could break down these word “IF”, but all them are used to Invoke Fear.

I had a conversation with a friend, after church were the Pastor talked about fear, that was very significant to me , being that I know fear all too well.  On my journey of life, I have seen things and been places that most men would not dare to go.  So for him to speak on fear, I needed to know more about it to resolve the issues of my fear. It’s just funny that my fears start with the word “IF”.  It was like God answered all my questions that I had. Outside the Pastor message, the conversation with my friend was stirring up more questions. As we talking a thought pop up and I came up with an acrimony for “IF…”: the one ideas I came up with was I- flesh, then along the way more meanings surfaced, My meaning to “IF”: Introducing Fear, I-Flesh, Influenced Failure. These acrimonies define the true meaning of fear.

For a lot of us, men, that want change in their lives we all feel some type of anxiety to the word of “IF…”:  it  control our decisions of being great. There are some enormous men that shown us how to push past the pain of fear by facing it head on. We look at them and ask how they got over their adversities in life. I was listening to the Boxer “ Sugar Ray Leonard ” on the radio, to find that he wrote a book  called “The Big Fight: My Life In and Out of the Ring,” and he stated how he dealt with his sexually abuse in his life and how he camouflaged his pain and addictions.  He didn’t say what “IF…” I don’t become a great boxer, NO!  He just knew how to be a legendary.

 He showed us men that we can be better than we image ourselves to being. But once we get past that point in our lives we to can become a legend.  Many doors will open up to you once you release that power of fear in your lives. Notice once you put what if in front of your mind, doors close ahead because you have the fear that it may not happen for you. Learn from what you feared and keep moving forward in life.  For article I wanted to ask the question to you men, how do you push past the pain of your fears and how did you stand up and show out from your adversities “IF…”?  Imported Fear. {F.E.A.R.:}(False Evident Appearing Real).

Email me your story on how you stood up to fear and Pushed Past the Pain…

Inspiring thought; No More Fear! |No More IF! | Start Knowing Your Strengths that the good Lord given you.   Love yourself and love others | Let go of the Fear and live life today!

Thank you
Dany Eason 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Up | Superman

Superman: Being everything to everyone while in quest of self duties.

We all remember Superman as being the greatest super hero of all times as we grew up, for the most of us, we related our father’s being that superman, and others saw our uncle, mama’s boyfriend, brothers and the guy up the street (Pookie, or Ray Ray). We have so many different examples of our favorite superhero. Think about it, what made them a superhero, was it the fact, we saw them do everything for everyone else and still maintain their own lives? From the outside, that Man had it all together, on the church board, big house, great looking car, happy family, money, and all these things that made a superman. 

They even help out in the community, fixing the bikes, cleaning the streets, coaching the football team, every time you saw them, there were always doing something positive. Did that classified them as a superman?  To most of them assumed that, the answer is yes, to others the answer is no.  Why the halves?  
The No’s is due to that man could be very strong from the outside and yet feel weak of his own weakness, lacking the ability of seeing himself as worthy so he hide his fears by helping others while seeking value of himself. A lot of men feel this way.

The Yes; Man had to deal with himself worthwhile coming over his past adversity in his life while waiting on God to bless him to be that man everyone sees of being. Once a Man gets his life in position with God, God will bless him to be a superman, in His word:  He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increase strength (Isaiah 40:29)  

Quote by of Superman "I can only tell you what I believe”. 

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace (Luke 11:21)

Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, “Behold the Man”. (John 19:5)
And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their strips. And immediately he and all his family were baptized (Acts 16:33)

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”

For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (Philippians  3:3)   

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Out| Show Out

Men.. Show Up and Show Out

Show Out…. Has some many meaning, which could have you thinking crazy, but I don’t want you have that thought at all. Show Out for is about sharing your knowledge to increase someone else in life.  Know as you ponder on that. I want you to keep in mind that. Who Showed Out to you or give a superior words to whom poured into your life that made you think and become the person that you are today. Did someone encourage you to do more, was there someone that inspired you with a  small or large examples in your growth? Did someone tell you No and it made you continue to find your steps to greatness.

As the world lay on top of your shoulders ,  what did you do to lesion the load, who did you pass the torch of your flames to, son, daughter, brother, sister, wife next door neighbor, kids in park. Who was that person that finial got you, after learning everything you know about that thing you admire the most. What did you say to them? How did you impact their lives, where are they now. Are they still using your methods and theory’s? 

Flips side of it. Are you doing that thing that you learned or did you throw it all away. Did that Man tell you how to become a stronger man, Did you shine as they hope you would. Was their success your success or did you let it fail? Not to give a negative thought, but ask yourself why? And why not or why so…      
Show Out… is sharing your wealth, not the money, but your knowledge from your success, your fame,  your hard work to a better life or understand to an easier walk. Giving back to those that are less fortunate.  Teaching someone else what you’ve learned. What testimony did you share to a group of your struggles and adversity that held you back to your objective and purposes?  How much time did you give to make sure that the job of helping was done, not for the money but for the importance of people?

I’m looking for those Men, I’m seeking the value of a man heart to be and doing  enormous things that God has caused you to execute. So many Men do great thing and yet never get a place in the spot light to show what they can do and want to do to enhance others. To be less of themselves and more for our neighbor, brother, friend, etc..  The life we live in now point out the bad that men do, but never the honors that we do, unless we die. Why is that? Why do down play our men today instead building us up to take the place as Man, King, fearful to God?  Now is the time. But I need to know who these Men are.

Stand Up and be recognized..


Men.. Stand Up and Show Out | Balance and Time

Men... Stand Up and Show Out.. 

As life’s little problem seem to get in our way we don’t always know what to say or know what to do about them. There are little hip cups in our life that makes us think or pauses, that what a pastor said, When we pause that’s God way of  intervening  in to a solution. We think we know how to manage time better then woman, some of  us do and most don’t, so  learning how to manage time for family time, that come in two parts, wify/wife, time and kids time depending what comes first,  then work time, coaching time, walking the dog time  and personal. Personal time is the best and least time to be most creative and spiritual moment of your lives.

 Here’s a thought.. If you give God time first, He promises to make everything work out fine.  Like in His word, the order: God, Family, Work, and everything else, however as Men we don’t always get it right so that lead to issues in our lives. We’re physical being and less emotional, but we know what we want. We have to touch things to comprehend the task, I get it, and I’m the same way.  Occasionally we forget the how to manage time and order so that why women are important to us.

Knowing that we are independent men, We have to do something every day to learn about balance, and  getting it out our mind that we have can't do everything right.  A friend told me once that we will never always get it right, but as long we keep trying and doing it, we will know how to do it right in time. It's the process of learning from our mistakes and short fails. Get up, suck it up and try again.  It hurts like hell at time, but keep focusing on what we know and believe which is making us to “Stand Up  Show Out“  

Thanks again 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Men... Stand Up and Show Out | Dominion

"You have Dominion over all the Earth".... is what Pastor Thomas Evans stated in Sunday Service(Dominion Worship Center) as I went to visit a friend and some brothers from the Men's breakfast meeting. Pastor stated the reply... Why do we let the Earth have Dominion over us as human..? The drugs are from the grass and planets (earth), the drinks are from grapes..  more (earth).  But he back it up with bible verses, and it states.

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  

Now at this point, I'm a little freaked out but it all made sense. Not being focus on God,won't allow us as  Men to focus on the things we want to achieve or advance to. And there are lot of things we want to get to, move from and act on, yet we still think we can do all this by our own self. As Pastor Evans went on about Men being the back bone over the earth, why we don't have more then we got and want to have. It's easy, we don't know what we want, nor do we get in position for God plan for our lives. It like not standing up for something and  getting nothing in the process. We just take what is given without expecting more from our self and knowing that you are not going to show up to see what can be done. We're missing the  possibility of opening new doors.

Now as I see it, That statement changed my life on the way I see my and my actions. More like Pastor Troy Maxwell stated at (Freedom House) early services. Make the first move, stop with the small thinking, the victim thinking, negative thinking, defeated thinking, poverty thinking, selfish thinking and shame thinking. All this type of thinking will hold you back from stand up nor show out your abilities to be a Great Man!

For me... I had to see something much bigger then now. I had to look at the big picture and think like those millionaires think. There are only 9-10% of people think on a level we don't understand.. because they see their vision and plans and strategy to get to their goal. Taking time out to see the goal, Studying the route to get there, building the relationship to make the bridge. It's funny cause that sound like the same way to get to God. Taking out time to seek Him, Studying His word for our life plan and Retaining a intimate  relationship with your Father God. WOW! Now that's deep but true.  Moving back to the point.  These Millionaires are connected to the sources  that make them beyond our sights. You can get there as well, but you will need a few things. 1. Realize that God Love you, (me)  2. Remember that God woke you up and allow you to do all over again and again, 3. Reckon or consider that your ways of life is old and 4. Replace your old way for new ones.  Once you do this you can start a new. Which by the way is best part of you life, You have the chances to make your life any way you please. Its like walking into a new door of life.. What are you going to do with it. How are you going to be responsible for the life, your choice and the life that you become?  Know that the hurdles are there to jump over, but seek your goals and plan it out with the full details that will begin to manifest its life.

Ok, that's was deep again, but also true.. I will tell you this. Your destiny can be small or large only you know where you want to be and what it will take to get there. Are you willing  to do the work to be there?  Are you willing to Stand Up to what you believe and Fight to get there as well as remaining there and Are you willing to Show Out, which means sharing with others so that your leagues can live on beyond your timeline.. Listen, I want you to be your best and enjoy life as rejoice in the life God gave you.

Have Dominion over your life, (As Pinky and Brain would say...) what are going to tomorrow Brain, Take over the world Pinky, Take over your Dominion.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Men...Stand Up and Show Out | Relationships

August 12, 2012. I am all about relationships. First and foremost I have intimacy with My Father. Holy Spirit moves as Father God directs as well. We operate as one, though We have distinct identities each and of ourselves. I listened attentively, so as to not have My own agenda with Him. He talks, I listen. He leads and I follow.  Holy Spirit moves within you according to the will of the Father too. It is all about His will being accomplished.  Can you see the perfect pattern We have modeled before you? Don't underestimate the power of operating in unity and oneness. Secure, develop and maintain a cherished relationship with My Father.

Psalm 84:10 (NIV) "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I  would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." Kevin Robinson

Once I read this and felt compelled to re-think what my relationship is with God. Did I do everything I needed to do yesterday,even though yesterday was in my past and I have to look forward to my tomorrow. What is it that I need to do today. Open my eyes and praise God for another day. Look for a Great outcome and expect that He will give me an increase in favor and bless me with mercy. Throughout my day I will give Him the glory and be thankful for it. I will speak to my God and Father about what is needed, visions, ideas, concerns  and bring my decision before Him and seek guidance. These are all the lesson that I must do for me and with that I can grow and Stand Up and Show Out for God. Much Like David did when he dances nude for the joy of God blessings.  So I too dance, sing and praise Father God for my Life.  Men stop what you are doing and prayer over your life and your family life, speak what you desire and repent of all your sins. Let go and Let God. Stand Up and Show Out for your life Men be a Man.. 

Men.. Make a stand with me today...   


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Men.. Stand Up and Show Out.. | For a Man

For a Man to see himself to be great, He once has to find himself. As Men we all walk the path that we think will improve our way of life, quality of being and measuring our goals by the among of success we’ve received. Where, What and When does our success begin as a man, that doesn’t give back to others. We think we live better based on the money we have in our account, the cars and houses we contain. But truth is, are you happy. 

Having the women, clothes, and the American Dream, while others around you are looking up to you.  Men that wear the Mask forget Who and what was taught to us as we grew up or growing up. Didn’t Jesus give to those that didn’t have, the one in prison, the lame, and those  in pain. “God’s word” told us to love our neighbor like we love ourselves. Give to those that don’t have.

There are a few men that stood up for what they believe for our freedom, for educations, for our life, but we forget that. How do we as Men give back so that those that looks up at us Men, a better opportunity and the advancement of an quality life to share with others.  Women have shown and proved in today’s world, life is about empowerment each other while working closely together to doing anything and stand up for it now and later. While we as Men sit around and let them do it and we will get to it later. 
I read the Miseducated Negro, But it should be read the Miseducation Man, The one that didn’t stand up for something or they believes. Leaders are failing by the waste side, we are short and few, So where are you (men)?  

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” 
Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham City Jail

Ask yourself this two questions, As a Men what have I Stood Up for, and What will I Stand for?  Do we stand up for Domestic Violence, or Homelessness, or better yet Education for the youth?  So many things, like mentoring boys or giving back to girl’s groups? Do we support our Home when we work so hard to support the bills and not the time that is needed as Father, Husband, Brother, Uncle, Grandfather. So what do you Stand Up for? Peace, Family, Hungry, or Life.

The idea behind Men Stand Up and Show blog is show Men that Stands Up for something.   Malcolm X  stated, “If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.” 
We must find ourselves to Stand Up and Show Out, to be Great!  Who is with me?